Date and Time: Saturday March 28th , 2pm – 3:30pm EVENT POSTPONED
Cost: $10 suggested admission. Please use the form below to register online.
Food and Drink: There will be some foodstuff and/or drink for people to try.
Event Description:
Join Allyson Levy and Scott Serrano from Hortus Arboretum & Botanical Gardens for a class devoted to surrounding your home and garden with the great native edible plants of North America such as Paw Paws, Beach Plums, Aronia, and Spikenard.
Hortus is now being run as a non-profit organization whose mission is to sustain the native, unusual and historic plant life of our area and serve as a vital educational resource for the public. One of ours goals is to create a ‘Living Textbook’ of plants that can be grown in the Hudson Valley.
Located in the lower Hudson Valley in New York, we welcome garden groups and individuals to come visit our arboretum-botanical garden. It is 19 years in the making, with several specific collections like the nut grove, Chinese garden, Japanese garden, and American garden, in addition to a diverse collection of unusual edibles, and hardy cactus…to name a few.
If you ever wanted to see how a botanical garden begins, this is a good place to visit. We are a small operation with many areas under development, but we have the most diverse selection of plants to be found in Ulster County.
For more information about Hortus Arboretum & Botanical Gardens: www.hortusgardens.org
Register for the Class: