1 dm, 1 chocolate square
bb w/ c#(26), 6 mile walk, spanish
Started researching Health Insurance for Freelancers
I love people but hate their drama and its discomfort. I’m sorry people have discomfort and drama, but my feeling it doesn’t help them. It does actually, because it should stimulate you to help them…why does that feel so uncomfortable? It’s unfortunate I also have my own discomforts to work on. It would be great if I could just handle all the discomfort effortlessly.
Before dollar crashes due to inflation that can no longer be controlled by FED raising interest rates like they did in the 70s… invest in global commodities and emerging asian markets according to Peter Schiff in this infomercial. Interesting problem to have…be thankful you don’t have to visit a food pantry for sustenance.
Learn More About Fujitsu Minisplit setup – Empowering basic overview of what goes into installing a heat pump.
Check sun profile of backyard for solar panel (winter)
cool tinyhome kitchen to bathroom transition
wilderwise tiny home packed into shipping crate
tiny house plans, switch loft and den