Nia & Ness: run-home.

Date and Time: Friday March 26 @ 7pm

Location: Livestream
The performance will be streaming via Youtube to this page and the locations listed below:
Nia & Ness on Facebook
Radio Kingston on Facebook
Please use the comments section to add your questions for the Q & A.

Cost: Free / Donations Accepted

Facebook Event Reminder

Event Description:

Nia & Ness will be performing one of many short combinations of their two evening length pieces ‘run.’ and ‘home.’,
followed by a Q & A.

Set to music by Garrett Miller, the work makes visible the impacts of “microaggressions” on Black lesbian bodies,
with Nia showing the couple’s everyday trauma through movement and Ness voicing it with words, while also offering a
glimpse into the couple’s healing.

“Our work is the story of our love and our resistance as a Black out-lesbian couple, and our reality is not one that is often highlighted or even recognized in the mainstream society. Still, we are here. Still, we fight to be seen. Still, we love in hopes
that our love can help empower people the way it empowers us.” – Nia & Ness

About Nia & Ness:

Nia & Ness are a Black, out-lesbian couple and performance-art duo, whose work serves as a visual-auditory diary of their daily lives. They believe that it’s necessary for their specific stories, as Black lesbian women, to be shared, and it is their responsibility to share them. Since officially starting their company in 2016, their work and love have transformed into something greater than the art and lives they initially dreamed of. They’ve toured two evening-length works, given speeches about their activism and shared their love at universities, colleges, conferences, festivals, churches, parks, bars and homes nationwide, and have been featured on multiple radio, tv and written news outlets. Taking their work beyond performances, they’ve recently launched their podcast, Reclaiming Love with Nia & Ness on Spotify, iTunes and iHeartRadio.

Nia & Ness are currently based in Rosendale, New York. Follow their journey on social media @niaandness and visit their website at

Full bio:

Trigger warnings: While we do not go into graphic details, we do touch on the topics of physical assault, sexual assault, bullying and self harm.

Part of Women’s History Month Kingston ( for the full list of events).