What is CDBG?
“The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is a flexible program that provides communities with resources to address a wide range of unique community development needs. Beginning in 1974, the CDBG program is one of the longest continuously run programs at HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development). The CDBG program provides annual grants on a formula basis to 1209 general units of local government and States.” – HUD.gov
Here is a video created by HUD describing the CDBG.
Date and Time: Thursday, May 2nd, 6pm – 9pm
Cost: Free
Language Info: Spanish translation provided.
Event Description: KingstonCitizens.org invites the public to come together to work on public comments for the draft “Community Development Block Grant Consolidated Strategy Plan”.
The group will screen the 200 page draft document to assist the public with a page by page look to outline their comments to submit to the City of Kingston’s Economic and Community Development office before the May 5th deadline.
“This is a good opportunity for the public,” said Rebecca Martin, a founder of KingstonCitizens.org. “It’s a once in a five year chance to shape the Community Development Block Grant funding strategies for Kingston in time for their input to count.”
According to the City of Kingston’s press release, “This Five-Year Consolidated Plan provides a basis and strategy for the use of federal funds granted to the City of Kingston by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG).”
Funding determinations in the plan include: affordable housing assistance, housing rehabilitation and accessibility to housing units, reduction of slum/blight conditions in targeted neighborhoods, youth and community public service programs, business facade and sidewalk improvements, economic development programs, public facilities and infrastructure, community policing and public safety initiatives, parks and recreation improvements and lead hazard prevention and improvements.
“The purpose of developing a Consolidated Plan involves three primary goals which are defined by HUD: to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities principally for low and moderate income persons. The primary means to this end is to extend and strengthen partnerships among all levels of government and the private sector, including for-profit and non-profit organizations, in the production and operation of affordable housing.
This Plan covers the period beginning July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2023, including five CDBG program years. Programs and activities described in this Plan are intended to primarily benefit low- and moderate-income residents within the boundaries of the City of Kingston, neighborhoods with high concentrations of low- and moderate-income residents, families, racial minorities, and individuals with special needs. The City will also use this Plan to coordinate with other federal, state grant and loan programs and County of Ulster initiatives.”
More Details: Coffee, tea and snacks will be provided. Citizens are encouraged to bring paper and pens. This event will be streamed live thanks to The Kingston News.
This event is co-sponsored by Kingston Tenants Union and The Kingston Land Trust.
For more information, and to RSVP please go here.